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The Scriptures Teach Me Truth: Oct 23rd - 29th


If Heavenly Father wrote you a letter, would you take time to read it?

The scriptures are like a letter from Heavenly Father, gently guiding us back home to Him. He has filled the scriptures with special messages for each one of us - old and young. All we have to do is open them and start reading!

May you find joy together as you rediscover the miracle and blessings of the Holy Scriptures this week!




➤ P R E P A R A T I O N

Before the lesson, choose a scripture that you feel would be meaningful for each child and write the verses out by hand on a small piece of paper (one for each child). Address the child before the verse, as if you were writing a letter. Sign the letter “Love, Heavenly Father.” Place the paper in an envelope and seal the envelope. Address the envelope to the child from Heavenly Father.

You could also place a stamp on the envelope to add some extra magic to the experience! You will also need some extra envelopes for the activity at the end of the lesson.


➤ L E S S O N

Open the lesson with a song and a prayer.


🎶 O P E N I N G S O N G : "Scripture Power"


➤ I N T R O D U C T I O N

Deliver the letters to the children, but instruct them not to open them yet. (They will open the letters at the end of the lesson.)

Discuss the following questions:

  1. Are you excited to open your letters from Heavenly Father? (Yes!)

  2. If Heavenly Father wrote you a letter, what do you think he would say to you? (Discuss the children’s responses.)

  3. What if you didn’t open your letter or didn’t read the letter? What would happen? (We wouldn’t know what Heavenly Father wanted to tell us.)

Explain: Heavenly Father loves us very much, and He does speak to us! His letter to us is in the scriptures! He tells us things we need to know. He gives us comfort and encouragement. He tells us that He loves us! And He tells us many other things. But if we want to know what He said, we have to open the letter and read it!


🎥 V I D E O : "Scripture Study for Kids"

Say: “We are going to watch a video about reading the scriptures! See if you can find three different ways we can read the scriptures when we are little.”

Discuss the following questions after watching the video:

  1. What are some ways that kids can read the scriptures? (Look for clues, think of it like a treasure map, find ways that the scriptures are like you, look for Jesus Christ in the scriptures, look for a match, etc.)

  2. What are some words that you have seen or heard in the scriptures before? (Discuss the children’s responses.)

  3. Can you think of a story from the scriptures that is like you?


➤ S C R I P T U R E

Read the verses below and discuss the questions that follow.

"And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus."

  1. When can we start reading the scriptures? (We can learn from the scriptures even when we are children!)

  2. What are some things that make it hard for kids to read the scriptures? (Discuss how scriptures can be hard for a child to understand with lots of big words and no pictures, etc.)

  3. What are some things we can do that could help kids learn from the scriptures? (Discussion might include ideas from the video, along with other things such as: drawing pictures, asking someone older to read them with you, use illustrated scripture stories, pray and ask Heavenly Father to help, read just a little at a time, etc.)

"All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works."

  1. Where do the scriptures come from? (From God! God inspires the prophets and tells them what to write, but the messages are from Heavenly Father.)

  2. How can we know that the scriptures are from Heavenly Father? (We can pray and ask Him!)

  3. How can the scriptures help us? (They teach us truth, the teach us right from wrong, they show us what we should do and how we should treat ourselves and one another, they help us to learn and to grow and improve!)

  4. If we don’t ever read the scriptures, will the words of God be able to help us? (No. We have to read them and try to live by what they teach us!)


➤ C O L O R I N G A N D A C T I V I T Y P A G E

Invite children to open the letter from Heavenly Father and help them read the verse that was selected just for them.

Explain: “When we want to talk to Heavenly Father, he is always ready to listen and he wants to hear from us. When we draw pictures for him, he can see what we draw. And when we write things in a letter or in a journal for him, he can see what we are writing and he knows how we are feeling. And when we pray to him he can hear our prayers.”

Now pass out the “Letter to Heavenly Father” activity page! Invite the children to use the page to write a letter to Heavenly Father. They can write words or draw pictures, or both! Provide an envelope for their letters and invite them to address the letter to Heavenly Father.



Bear testimony of the truths found in the scriptures.


Bring the scriptures to life with water!

Want to help your children become more familiar with the scriptures? It’s time to try Kanga Toys’ Aquabrush Books! It's gospel learning that's as fun as finger painting! (But without the mess!)

These gospel centered books are mess free and re-usable! A great way to entertain your children at church or on the go!

Fill the pen with water, give it to your child, and watch them paint away! The images in the book will start to appear as the water is applied on the page. Let the image dry, and do it all over again!

2 brand new books available, 6 total to choose from!

Use the code LDK20 to save 20% on your order!

(Hurry! This code expires on 10/27!)

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